Do you frequently feel like your face is missing something? Like it’s somehow out of balance? You may benefit from a chin augmentation procedure, which offers balance and harmony by way of the addition of a chin implant. The chin augmentation operation requires only a...
The abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, is an ideal method of recontouring your abdominal area to get rid of excess fat and tighten muscle. After your procedure, a period of abdominoplasty recovery will be necessary in order to help your tissues heal appropriately. For...
Augmentation mastopexy, also known as a breast lift combined with breast augmentation, can rejuvenate and revitalize your breasts. Though your augmentation mastopexy recovery will most likely have strict guidelines, following them to the letter will be the best way to...
Have you been told your entire life that you have a “weak chin”? A handsome or beautiful chin can go a long way towards making a good first impression and improving the overall appearance of the face. Plastic surgeons are able to augment weak chins with the help of a...