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Male Chin Implant
in Orlando, FL

A weak chin can make you appear shy and meek, even if you are not. A chin implant gives a stronger appearance by making your chin more prominent.  Although chin implants make a big difference when it comes to balancing out other facial features, many men do not know about the procedure or realize that they could benefit from chin augmentation. If you want more definition in your face or are having other procedures, such as a rhinoplasty or a neck lift, chin implants may be an option for you.  Located in Orlando, the Center for Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, led by board-certified plastic surgeon Kendall Peters, MD, FACS, offers male chin implants for men who live in Orange County and Central Florida.

What are Male Chin Implants?

Chin implants, also known as chin augmentation, are small silicone sacks that add definition to a recessed or weak chin.  Adding implants makes the jawline look stronger and more proportional to other facial features.  Since faces are not all the same, chin implants are available in many different sizes and shapes to ensure a natural look and feel.  Chin implants are often, but not always, inserted when other facial procedures are performed such as rhinoplasty or a neck lift.

male chi implant in Orlando, FL

Chin Augmentation for Men Benefits

Chin implants work with your existing face shape and structure to balance your features.  They strengthen your jawline to give you a sharper, more masculine profile.  Chin implants can also bolster your confidence. Co-workers and friends will think you look great but will not know exactly why you appear different.  You will look like yourself, only better.

Chin Augmentation for Men Candidates

Candidates for chin augmentation are men with recessed or weak chins. Chin implants also give angles to men with rounded faces.  Chin augmentation is often performed in conjunction with other procedures such as a neck lift when the neckline needs improvement or with a rhinoplasty to make the chin proportional to the nose.

Chin Augmentation for Men Procedure

Chin augmentation is a relatively fast, easy procedure that can make a significant difference to your appearance.  The procedure lasts less than one hour under sedation.  The sedation type will depend on whether the chin augmentation is the sole procedure or if you are also having other treatments.  The incision made is carefully hidden so nobody will be able to tell that you had work done.

Why Choose Dr. Peters for Male Chin Implant?

Many men do not realize that chin implants will help their faces look more angular and masculine.  Equipped with experience, top training, and an artist’s eye, Dr. Peters knows when to recommend chin augmentation to balance out other facial features.  Patients who may have never previously considered the procedure are thrilled with the results of Dr. Peters’ work.

How Much Do Male Chin Implants Cost in Orlando?

Chin augmentation is usually considered an elective procedure.  Insurance benefits are typically not offered for the procedure, although it is always a good idea to check with your insurance company.  To help you get your ideal results, the Center for Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery offers affordable financing via CareCredit®.  Payments are accepted in the form of cash, personal checks, and credit cards.

See a better you in the mirror by scheduling a chin implant consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Kendall Peters, MD, FACS. His Orlando plastic surgery office is conveniently located for all residents of Orange County and Central Florida. Contact us today!

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