After losing a great deal of weight, we are often left with lax, drooping skin on many areas of the body, including the thighs. Excess thigh skin may also form as an unwanted result of the aging process. However you have developed excess thigh skin, it can be trimmed away with ease, thanks to the thigh lift.
When the thighs gain in volume as a result of weight gain, the skin must also grow and stretch. With dramatic weight loss, the thighs lose volume, but the skin cannot easily shrink to match this volume loss. Instead, it stays at its current enlarged size and droops. Only the thigh lift procedure is able to deal with this issue.
Contact our office to set up an informative thigh lift consultation. Board-certified Orlando plastic surgeons Doctors Calvin Peters and Kendall Peters have a great deal of experience with thigh lifts and many other plastic surgery procedures.