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Otoplasty Recovery – Ear Surgery Orlando

Otoplasty in Orlando, FL

Treating your body right during the otoplasty recovery period is key for a successful surgery. Once you’ve received your post-operative care instructions, follow them to the best of your ability and you’ll find yourself with attractive, proportional ears.

In order to support the recontoured tissues during the otoplasty recovery period, fluff bandages will be placed on the ears. These are cotton bandages that are well-padded for extra protection and comfort. They will be taken off in around three days and replaced with normal bandages. In a week, these will be removed.

Otoplasty recovery is relatively short compared to the healing periods for many other plastic surgeries. Learn more information about otoplasty – contact our office and create an appointment. Doctors Calvin Peters and Kendall Peters, board-certified plastic surgeons, will make sure you’re fully informed about the procedure.