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Male Breast Reduction – Transaxillary Orlando

Gynecomastia (Male Breast Reduction) in Orlando, FL

To get rid of extra fatty or glandular tissue in the chest area, many men visit plastic surgeons for male breast reduction. There are several possible incision sites and patterns for male breast reduction.

Your plastic surgeon may prefer the transaxillary incision method when performing male breast reduction. This is especially the case for liposuction-only reduction. With this method, a cut will be created in your armpit area, creating an access point for the cannula. The cannula is the tube used to suction out the excess fatty tissue.

To find out which incision site and pattern makes the most sense for your aesthetic goals, make an appointment for a consultation. Skilled, board-certified plastic surgeons Doctors Calvin Peters and Kendall Peters will evaluate your chest area and determine the best male breast reduction strategy.