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Lower Body Lift Surgery – Orlando Excess Loose Skin

Body Lift in Orlando, FL

Looking for a comprehensive body surgery that contours the thighs, waist, buttocks, abdomen, and hips, all in the span of a single procedure? If so, lower body lift surgery may be right for you.

You may be wondering what to expect from this procedure. After anesthesia is given, an incision is created around the circumference of the patient’s body. This incision allows your plastic surgeon to have access to the underlying excess fatty tissue and the loose muscles of the area.

During the procedure, the fat is suctioned, the muscles are tightened, and the excess drooping skin is removed. The remaining skin is tightened, and the incision is closed using medical sutures.

Through this process, the buttocks, thighs, and abdomen are resculpted, leading to a tighter abdominal wall and great improvement in the overall proportions of the body.

Speak with Dr. Kendall Peters, a skilled board-certified plastic surgeon, to plan out your lower body lift surgery. Arrange an appointment for a consultation – contact our office today!