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Gynecomastia – Orlando Male Reduction Mammaplasty

Gynecomastia (Male Breast Reduction) in Orlando, FL

The excess breast tissue that appears on the chests of men can be a source of embarrassment and shame. This condition, called gynecomastia, afflicts men of all ages. Gynecomastia surgery is a way of correcting the issue.

When it occurs in babies and teenagers, gynecomastia is typically temporary. Within six months, newborns will usually experience a reduction in the excess tissue; for teens, this may take up to two years. Adult males may require a male breast reduction, depending on the potential causes of their gynecomastia.

To find out if your gynecomastia is temporary or permanent, visit the office of Doctors Calvin Peters and Kendall Peters. These board-certified plastic surgeons will perform an evaluation of your chest and will recommend a course of corrective action. Contact us for a consultation.