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Benelli Lift – Breast Lift Orlando Mastopexy

Breast Lift in Orlando, FL

A breast lift is a great way to get the firm, perky, beautiful breasts you’ve always wanted. The Benelli lift, also called a donut lift, is right for patients with a medium degree of sagging and smaller or medium-sized breasts.

The Benelli lift can take one to three hours. During the procedure, excess tissue is excised and the skin is made tighter. After a Benelli lift, the patient will resume their daily routine, slightly modified to promote recuperating and healing. Avoiding physical stress is recommended. After a month, you should be healed and able to enjoy your transformation!

Now that you know about Benelli lifts, it’s time to set up a consultation with our office. Doctors Kendall Peters and Calvin Peters, both board-certified plastic surgeons, have performed numerous breast lifts and are trusted surgeons in the Orlando area. Call or email today for more information.