Arm lifts can help a patient gain a better self-image and feel more comfortable in tighter clothing. If you’re interested in an arm lift, discuss your options with your plastic surgeon. You may need a traditional incision, or you may instead need a larger one.
When a patient has larger amounts of excess skin and fatty deposits on their upper arms, it may be necessary for the plastic surgeon to create a larger-than-normal incision during the arm lift. This expanded incision would reach from the elbow all the way over to the side of the torso, traversing the bottom or side of the arm.
The surgeon is then able to take out the greater amount of fat and add any necessary structural internal sutures to support the new tissue configuration. Find out more about incision options and the highly effective arm lift procedure with a consultation. You’ll be able to discuss the surgery with board-certified plastic surgeons Doctors Calvin Peters and Kendall Peters. To arrange an appointment, contact us today.