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Hand Rejuvenation with Fillers in Orlando, FL

One telltale sign of aging can be found in the appearance of the hands. While many people focus on how aging causes volume loss in the face, this same process occurs in the hands with similarly dramatic results. Volume loss can make the hands appear weathered, as the veins and tendons become more evident. If you’re insecure about visible signs of aging, know that you’re not alone. Many women are unhappy with the appearance of their hands and are seeking cosmetic treatment to restore natural-looking volume.

How Fillers Can Help

This treatment involves the injection of dermal fillers such as Restylane® Lyft or Radiesse® into the back of the hands, resulting in a smoother, more youthful appearance. Depending on the degree of aging, anywhere from 1 to 3 syringes per hand may be recommended to obtain optimal aesthetic results. The treatment is usually very well tolerated by patients, with little-to-no discomfort and no significant down-time.

If you feel that your hands are making you look older than you are or if you have noticed signs of aging on your hands as you’ve grown older, this treatment could be right for you. Complete your aesthetic journey and contact us to schedule your consultation with our expert injector today!