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Thigh Lift in Orlando, FL

The thighs and thigh area are a common location for the accumulation of unwanted fat deposits and loose skin that is stubbornly unresponsive to changes in diet or exercise. This condition can be a major source of embarrassment for many people who cannot find a remedy. Kendall Peters, MD, FACS, is a board-certified plastic surgeon at the Center for Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. Dr. Peters is proud to provide thigh lift surgery for residents of Orlando, Orange County, and Central Florida to help them achieve the slim, attractive thighs that they desire.

What is a Thigh Lift?

Excess skin and tissue around the inner and outer thighs often persists following extensive weight loss. Age and hereditary factors can also contribute to loose, flabby skin and tissue in these areas. A surgical thigh lift can make significant improvements when exercise and weight loss cannot. This procedure removes excess skin, and in some cases fat, to provide smoother, tighter thighs and better contour with the rest of the body. Incisions vary depending upon each patient’s individual needs. It is important that a patient’s weight be stable prior to undergoing a thigh lift to obtain the best results. Liposuction may be combined with this procedure to maximize results. A post-surgical compression garment must be worn for several weeks following surgery.

Thigh Lift in Orlando, FL

Benefits of a Thigh Lift

A thigh lift procedure can help enhance the appearance and shape of your thighs. It involves the removal of excess fat and loose skin, creating a healthy and toned appearance for your thighs. Patients often need a mixture of fat sculpting and excessive skin removal, in which case Dr. Peters can also perform liposuction. You may benefit from liposuction instead of a thigh lift if you are seeking to only reduce fatty deposits on the thighs and not enhance skin elasticity and tone.

How Is a Thigh Lift Procedure Performed?

The precise pattern of the incisions you require for your thigh lift is dependent upon which areas are to be treated and the amount of correction required. Dr. Peters uses these incisions to tighten tissues and provide a more toned, smoother, lower body shape. He uses innovative methods to make incisions in strategic locations that are unobtrusive and may be disguised by certain clothing types. Incisions can be more or less numerous, depending upon the extent of the procedure. Patients sometimes only require a small incision in the groin area.

Recovery from Thigh Lift Surgery

You should notice immediate results following your thigh lift procedure. Once the bruising and swelling fade, you can start enjoying your enhanced thigh contour.

How Much Does Thigh Lift Surgery Cost in Orlando?

There is no single answer to this question since each individual case is different. Our financing page has more information on CareCredit®. Our goal is to find a way to make our procedures affordable to all patients who need them.

Is Thigh Lift Surgery Right for Me?

If you have reduced skin elasticity due to being overweight or the aging process, thigh lift surgery may be right for you. It is, however, important to keep in mind that thigh lift surgery should not be thought of as a preferred weight loss method. It is intended to correct cosmetic complaints due to sagging skin and stubborn fat deposits.

Why Choose Dr. Peters for Thigh Lift Surgery?

Dr. Peters’ knowledge and expertise in this area mean that you will have the best chance for an ideal outcome that will make you happy. His advanced plastic surgery techniques also allow him to recommend additional procedures such as liposuction to compliment your thigh lift.

For more information about the thigh lift and how this procedure might benefit you, please contact us to schedule a consultation at our Orlando plastic surgery office. The Center for Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, led by board-certified plastic surgeon Kendall Peters, MD, FACS, offers thigh lifts for men and women who live in Orange County and Central Florida.