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Latisse – Orlando Eyelash Regrowth Treatment

Latisse® in Orlando, FL

Have you been noticing areas on your eyelids where the lashes aren’t quite as full or dark as they used to be? This is an issue that goes hand-in-hand with the aging process. To correct it, don’t bother with false lashes. Instead, use Latisse to regrow your lashes!

Not only can Latisse regrow and rejuvenate thinning eyelashes, it has also been utilized to augment beard and eyebrow growth. In addition to this, it has been employed to supplement hair growth on parts of the head where hair is thinning or sparse.

To find out more about the many uses of Latisse and how it can help you revitalize your lashes, speak with board-certified plastic surgeons Doctors Calvin Peters and Kendall Peters. These doctors are skilled, experienced medical professionals who will be happy to answer your questions regarding Latisse. Set up an appointment today.