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Gynecomastia (Male Breast Reduction)
in Orlando, FL

Enlarged breasts can cause a man to feel less masculine. Breasts are universally seen as feminine, so when a man has breasts, it can make him feel self-conscious. He might even hesitate to remove his shirt in front of others. Larger breasts in men can be the result of weight gain, but even a man of average weight can suffer from having enlarged breasts. When you are in a normal weight range but have enlarged breasts, diet and exercise might not be enough to get rid of them. Many men are turning to gynecomastia treatment, also known as male breast reduction, to redefine the shape of their chest by eradicating the fatty or glandular tissue underneath the muscle. Located in Orlando, the Center for Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, led by board-certified plastic surgeon Kendall Peters, MD, FACS, offers male breast reduction for gynecomastia for men who live in Orange County and Central Florida.

If you are one of the many men suffering from enlarged breasts, it is time to lay your self-conscious worries aside and look into male breast reduction. This page will give you some very basic background on the procedure, but the best way to learn about the personalized aspect of this surgery is to schedule an appointment with our plastic surgeon for a consultation.

gynecomastia in Orlando, FL

What is Male Breast Reduction for Gynecomastia?

Male breast reduction is performed in men with gynecomastia - a condition of breast overdevelopment or enlargement. Gynecomastia may result from atypical hormonal changes, certain hereditary conditions, some types of medications, steroid use, metabolic disorders, organ dysfunction, the use of certain drugs and some tumors. Gynecomastia can be a normal finding, particularly during adolescence, and often resolves on its own. When it does not resolve, it can be a source of emotional discomfort and may cause embarrassment and self-consciousness. Gynecomastia can also result in significant breast tenderness and interfere with daily activity.

Gynecomastia CASE 1

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Benefits of Male Breast Reduction for Gynecomastia

After having a male breast reduction, many men find that they receive the following benefits:

  • More masculine appearance
  • More self-confidence and higher self-esteem
  • They enjoy going without a shirt
  • They are able to participate in more athletic or physical activities
  • They find they are able to wear more stylish clothes

The Male Breast Reduction for Gynecomastia Procedure

Male breast reduction removes excess fat and/or breast glandular tissue. If the enlarged breast is primarily fat, it may be treated with liposuction alone. If there is a significant amount of glandular tissue, direct excision of this tissue may be performed either alone or in conjunction with liposuction. The result is a flatter, reduced breast size with a more natural, masculine chest contour.

The male breast reduction will be performed under general anesthesia. The surgery usually ranges from two to three hours. Incisions are typically minimal and well disguised.

Male Breast Reduction for Gynecomastia Recovery

Most patients can resume normal activities within one to two weeks; however, strenuous activities should be limited for a month. A compression vest will be worn for approximately six weeks after surgery to optimize results. This is easily hidden under your clothes. Pain medication will be prescribed for the first week after surgery. Restrictions and physical limitations will be described in full detail at your evaluation. Male breast reduction patients are able to go home the same day as surgery.

How Much Does Male Breast Reduction Surgery for Gynecomastia Cost in Orlando?

The cost of gynecomastia treatment for male breast reduction varies from patient to patient. Just as each man is unique, each procedure is performed according to his personal needs. When you schedule an informational appointment, you will have the chance to discuss the cost and payment options with our office staff. We do accept most credit cards, checks, and cash. We are also proud to offer our patients financing through CareCredit®.

Is Male Breast Reduction Surgery Right for Me?

Male breast reduction surgery is a viable option for any man who suffers from gynecomastia and worries about their appearance.

Click on the image below for additional Gynecomastia Photos in our Before & After Gallery:

Gynecomastia Before and After Pictures in Orlando, FL

For more information about male breast reduction and how this procedure might benefit you, please contact us to schedule a consultation at our Orlando plastic surgery office. The Center for Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, led by board-certified plastic surgeon Kendall Peters, MD, FACS, offers male breast reduction for gynecomastia for men who live in Orange County and Central Florida.